adrian michael pruett - las vegas, nv

27 year old male. caucasian. work in tv and film professionally i.e. skillz that pay the billz. stopped taking photo classes at beginner level but i try to incorporate my video/film techniques into my still work. i'm into juxtaposition and female modeling right now. love using available light even when there hardly is any.
i'm excited to do a portrait of my city, las vegas. i moved to LV in 97' from PA where i went to highschool. i don't have a single family member who lives west of the mississippi so that's a bit hard. i rely on my friends a great deal.
single and living at my friends house for free. one might say i'd make a good urchin. my political tendencies lean towards socialist/libertarianism. music is what inspires me so i try to keep a constant flow of it through my computer/ipod/car.
my pictures are my memories and i love almost all of them even when they only speak to me. i'm trying to get over that but it's hard.
i just bought my first digital camera and it's super-duper sweet.
hey ! i just wanted to say that it was nice to work with ya!
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